Greenment was entrusted by a large automotive corporation to conduct environmental supervision on an engine construction project. During design and construction, Greenment cooperated with the design company, the construction company and the owner, and provided various reasonable environmental recommendations based on the requirements of the EIA and its approval as well as a thorough understanding of the construction project. In addition, Greenment assisted the client to communicate with the EPB and negotiated solutions to resolve issues from the construction process. These effective communications with the EPB helped the client to move forward the project smoothly.
The site is located in Minhang District of Shanghai and included a gas company, a liquefied petroleum gas storage & transportation station and a gas station. The site will be developed into a commercial area. Preliminary investigation, detailed investigation and human health risk assessment indicated that the concentrations of contaminants in soil and groundwater in some parts of the site were higher than acceptable risk levels. Therefore, environmental remediation was needed. As the environmental supervision organization for the remediation project, Greenment assembled an experienced professional team and conducted field work including verification, inspection, document review and training. For the process of soil remediation, key aspects of supervision included remediation scope, excavation depth, leakage prevention during ex-situ remediation, dust prevention and control, control of secondary pollution during backfilling, and dosage of oxidants. For the process of groundwater remediation, efforts was focused on inspection of the depth and radius of influence of extraction wells, prevention and control of secondary pollution during groundwater extraction, operation of the above-ground treatment facilities and dosing.
The site was a former fertilizer plant in Jiading District of Shanghai and will be developed into a commercial and residential area. Preliminary investigation, detailed investigation and human health risk assessment indicated that the concentrations of arsenic and chromium in some parts of the site were higher than the acceptable risk levels. Greenment was entrusted to conduct the environmental supervision for the remediation project. The team included one chief inspector, one environmental supervision engineer and three supervisors. Ex-situ stabilization was used to treat approximately 1,500 tonnes of contaminated soil at the site. Greenment conducted on-site supervision on the remediation scope lofting and foundation pit excavation to ensure the remediation scope met the requirements of the technical proposal. The process of ex-situ treatment was supervised to prevent secondary pollution and membrane leakage. The Completion Approval monitoring was supervised to meet the requirements of relevant standards. The transportation of treated soil was tracked to meet the requirements of the receiver site.